Sadie and Colton had their country wedding at a family friend's farm in Decatur, TX.
It was a hot day but fortunately they had their wedding ceremony during the golden hour (the hour before sunset.) This helped with the temperature but also made sure that the lighting was absolutely beautiful.
We started with the groom prep and got some footage of the Aunt and Uncle setting up the hayride that would take the bridal party down to the ceremony location, which was under a large tree in the middle of a field.
Colton got showered and dressed and read a sweet little pre-wedding letter from Sadie as his groom's men teased him a bit.
At Sadie's bridal prep location I arrived in time to get her hairdo finishing touches. Unfortunately she wasn't super thrilled with the result and had to do it over. These things happen sometimes on a wedding day and it's just best to roll with the punches and not let anything stress you out.
Spirits were high as she got her hair redone and got into the dress as the bridesmaids got the party started with some dancing and celebration as they headed over to the hayride.
The rustic ceremony set up was very cute and Colton started to get nervous as he waited at the end of the aisle. After the procession of the bridesmaids and flowerman it was Sadie's turn to "walk" down the aisle.
The Best Man tied a bandana around Colton's eyes and Sadie mounted her horse and headed down the aisle to meet him. He could barely contain his tears when he took the bandana off and got his first look of her coming toward him.
After the pastor's homily it was time for their wedding vows and man did they not disappoint! Colton's were short and very very sweet and Sadie's vows were some of the best I've ever heard. I had a hard time editing the video because I couldn't stop crying!
When it was time for the first kiss Colton just couldn't wait, and he gave her the biggest kiss h's probably ever given to her and it was such a sweet moment to witness.
The rest of the night was filled with much partying and merriment and even though it was a scorcher it didn't do much to dampen the energy of this lovely couple's love for one another.